Soul Retrieval
Rev. Jordan Start, B. MSc. is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister through the International Metaphysical Ministry. As a minister, Jordan is able to provide spiritual coaching services to those who are in need of mental, emotional, and grief healing. In addition, Jordan had a over a decade of working as a clinical counsellor and crisis counsellor.
** Please note, Spiritual Coaching is not the same service as individual mental health counselling. Please speak with your local social service agencies if you feel you require clinical counselling support. If you are interested in private therapy, psychology today is a great resource for those looking for clinical counselling and mental health support. **
Life’s traumas, dramatic or subtle, can cause portions of one’s vital life force to become separated, creating dramatic imbalances in our lives. Symptoms such as depression, fatigue, memory gaps or general dis-ease can receive profound healing through soul retrieval. Soul Retrieval offers a solid foundation for wellness and vitality. Within a single, comprehensive session, this practice helps people unlock their power within, so they can overcome anxiety, pain, and trauma, and live life to the fullest. When performing soul retrieval, we will journey into the spirit world and retrieve these separated soul parts and return them to our client. ​
This soul retrieval session can assist in attaining life goals, restoring health, releasing old behavioral patterns, and emotional and psychic pain. It can help to relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and stress. Soul retrieval sessions are comprehensive and designed to restore your missing and ready to return soul parts in a single session. For the parts of your soul that are not yet ready to return, I will connect with your Guides and your Higher Self to determine the best course of action.
Soul Retrieval may offer effective and lasting healing for the following:
Lack of passion
Grief and trauma
Feeling like you don’t belong
Unresolved issues
Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions also support:
Feeling secure in who you are
Living in your power
Speaking your truth
Finding your passion and soul purpose
Gentle and accelerated healing
Soul Retrieval Sessions includes:
Spirit Animal Discovery
Connection to a spirit guide or higher frequency divine being
Clean up on energetic dynamics from your family of origin, past relationships and traumas
Personal messages about your soul path and/or current situation
Soul Retrieval work
Additional Healing work as directed by your higher self and guides
Our goal is to restore energy and power and to provide a solid, healthy foundation in a single session. Please note, if your life has had extremely high levels of trauma and you’re new to a healing path, a follow-up healing session may be recommended.
What to expect during a session?
Sessions structure and outcomes vary since the work we do is directed by your higher self, your guides and our guides, offering a personalized approach to work with what is likely to bring about the most effective outcomes; based on your personal soul. In a soul retrieval session, we often will start with discovering some of your Spirit Animals to connect our clients with the power animals that are stepping forward. Spirit animals are guides in animal form that provide a connection to primal life forces, protecting and guiding us in the physical and spiritual world. Discovering and forming a relationship with your animal guides may alleviate conditions such as lack of energy, tendency towards mishaps, or feelings of vulnerability. Likewise, a relationship with your spirit animals can provide support and guidance through major life transitions.
Next we look at the overview of our client’s soul and consult with the guides about anything that is out of alignment besides soul loss. Often the guides may have us heal past life wounds, or realign the energy field. Many times a Higher Frequency Being will comes to join you in the session. If there has been childhood or past trauma, we may go back to those events and work to release the energy from your chakra system or energetic bodies to re-wire the energetic anchor of that painful experience. We do not have a time machine and therefore can not remove the wounding itself, however it can be re-calibrated to allow the wound to not impact you as heavily. Our sessions are designed to provide a profound healing and we aim to complete as much healing as we can within a single session. That being said, please note, that the energetic system can not be completely rewired within a single session. To re-calibrate too much at once is unsustainable to the overall system, making it weaker to energetic attack and outside influence. We also will remove any attachments as needed, removing spiritual and energetic intrusions. From there, we will complete the soul retrieval, bringing back the pieces that our client has lost.​
The suggestions and information that will be provided in this session are intended for personal growth and exploration. The session is not a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. While there’s a powerful impact in shifting to a fundamental wholeness at the soul level, it’s not a magic solution that can be expected to instantly resolve long standing emotional or psychological concerns. Sometimes it there is a significant improvement in those areas overnight, but more often, the soul retrieval provides a stronger foundation that provides opportunities for the additional healing efforts for the mind and body to have greater results. Whatever challenges you face, you’ll be more resourced and resilient with you soul wholly intact and present.​
Because the work is occurring at the soul level, how this experience translates to the conscious human level varies from person to person. It’s not unusual for these sessions to be described as life changing. However, sometimes the results can be very subtle. The soul retrieval session takes about an hour and a half. Please make sure you can have privacy and uninterrupted time for that duration.
Services Available
- 285 Canadian dollars
Returning clients who have completed an initial soul retrieval session.
140 Canadian dollars